Err… yeah. Owen’s birthday is smack in between Thanksgiving and Christmas, making an already hectic time even more nuts. I barely have time to breath during the holidays… so add us all getting The Plague and my camera deciding to not work correctly to the mix and it was the perfect storm. Thus, birthday party photos nearly a month late. Oops!
Mr. O had a sock monkey theme this time. He loves monkeys in all forms and when I found a four foot tall sock monkey I HAD to get it… and the theme took on a life of its own!
My DIGI invites, thankyouverymuch:

Owen was decked out in full sock monkey regalia, courtesy of yours truly. The hat (and socks!) were from Old Navy and I made his shirt.
Four foot sock monkey standing guard over the vittles:
O and his monkey cake:
The banner, retro Cokes, and goody bags:

A good time was had by all, especially my big birthday boy. I can’t even believe he is already two!
This party has been linked up at
Bird's Party